- Nurfadilah Saadul KurziDepartment of Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Ekistics, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN
- Wan Azlina Wan IsmailDepartment of Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Ekistics, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN
- Syahidah Amni MohamedDepartment of Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Ekistics, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN
Neighbourhood Park, personal safety, perception of personal safety, community engagementAbstract
Neighbourhood parks serve as essential recreational infrastructure, offering opportunities for captivating natural experiences near residential zones, thereby delivering social, physical, and cultural amenities that enhance the well-being of the community. Nevertheless, numerous studies have shown that a decrease in perceived safety significantly impacts individuals’ ability to derive enjoyment and comfort from their outdoor green spaces. This, in turn, influence the perceived quality of life among Malaysians, as documented by the Malaysian Economic Planning Unit (EPU). There is a lack of research investigating the relationship between well-maintained landscape and the perception of personal safety, with the majority of existing studies originating from foreign sources. Therefore, this study was undertaken to collect evidence addressing these gaps within the context of Malaysia. This endeavour is vital to assimilating valuable knowledge to enhance the ongoing processes of both place-making as well as place-keeping within Malaysian park management.
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